We are happy to announce that the Erasmus Plus project named Prevention of Youth Risky Viral Trends (2022-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-00085174) has been approved.
This project is carried out by a consortium which “Mother Teresa University” in Skopje is a part of. The consortium consists the following organizations:
· Association “Follow me” – Bulgaria
· Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen – Austria
· Urban forum association – Poland
The aims this project needs to address during its implementation are:
· The need to improve the risk prevention skills of youth workers and support people on the use of social networks and questions on topics such as: cyberbullying, following dangerous trends in social media, fake news, social isolation, dangerous encounters with strangers, etc.
· Learn and apply innovative digital security methodologies, tools and practices.
· The need to develop quality youth worker skills to promote media literacy, social inclusion, democrac6, active citizenship and non-violent communication
· Raising awareness of the risks of social networks and improve prevention of dangerous online encounters
· Improving the quality and image of youth work.