Skopje, March 2023 – In the premises of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, from March 27 to March 29, 2023, an ERASMUS IDADOHS project meeting was held on the topic of Digitization of Education. The meeting was attended by 10 partner institutions and a total of 32 participants with physical presence and two with online presence.
The coordinator of the project, the Vice Chancellor for Science at MTU, Lecturer Bekim Fetaji, Ph.D., presented the Digitization Strategy of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, the vision and mission of the university and its faculties, while the study programs were presented by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Investments,Asst. Prof. Bujamin Bela, Ph.D.
During the meeting, the partners were presented with the University’s current digitization software and the tools used by the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Assoc. Prof. Stojan Kitanov, Ph.D. Open Educational Resources and the already developed platform for digitization of educational content were discussed at the meeting.
Prof. Shefqet Meda from the Canadian Institute of Technology in Tirana gave a presentation and presented the website and digital educational content they have created. Andre Škraba and Klavdija Stropnik from the University of Maribor presented their contribution and courses. Marinko Serdelić from the College for Information Technologies in Zagreb presented their websites and the digital content created by them. There was also a representative from Goce Delčev University of Štip, Lidija Kisiševa.
At the end, a project management meeting was held and the future project activities were discussed, which will be completed by the end of May and will be ready for multiplier distribution events.