Skopje, February 9, 2021 – Rector Aziz Pollozhani accompanied by the President of the Senate and the Secretary General, during the meeting with Director Dimovski signed a Memorandum to expand cooperation between the two institutions through the exchange of scientific, professional and applied opinions and practices in the professional field.

The need of signing the document comes from the context of the time we live in and is to strengthen the cooperation between the two very important institutions of our country. The Agency and the University will mutually cooperate and will provide mutual assistance and support in the practical teaching at the University, and special attention will be paid to the applied and scientific research activities, as well as to the organization of training, round tables, debates, conferences and other similar forms that will bring success to our country and abroad.

The memorandum enables the use of technical and professional terms, materials, and premises, as well as the participation of working groups for the preparation of laws and bylaws, planning documents, and other documents in the field of national security.

Rector Pollozhani presented the MTU faculty departments to Viktor Dimovski, Ph.D., placing special emphasis on the departments whose study programs are similar to the development process of national security and safety in general.

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