About University


Mother Teresa University in Skopje* founded in 2016 was established with the mission of creating academic opportunities for students where they can develop as individuals and as professionals. In an ever-globalizing world, education remains one of the main tools available to us to encounter the changes that these processes bring and to influence them. It is difficult to foresee what lies ahead for the future generations, but it is our belief that by combining the competence for critical and analytical thought and by nurturing in our students their entrepreneurial spirit, we can help them in creating the necessary conditions for facing their future.

To fulfill its mission, the Mother Teresa University in Skopje offers education in the natural and the social sciences through its five (5) faculties:

Faculty of Informatics Undergraduate (Bachelor) Studies
Informatics (both in English and Albanian)
Informatics for teaching
Applied Programming (3 year studies)
Master Studies
Informatics for teaching
Applied Software Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Undergraduate (Bachelor) Studies
Architecture and Design
Civil Engineering / Structural
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Master Studies
Architecture and Design
Civil Engineering / Structural
Faculty of Technological Sciences Undergraduate (Bachelor) Studies
Materials engineering and Nanotechnology
Food Technology
Metalurgy and metalic materials
Master Studies
Food Technology
Faculty of Technical Sciences Undergraduate (Bachelor) Studies
Electroenergetics Systems
Work and environment protection engineering
Mechanical engineering and management
Transportation and Traffic Engineering
Applied Economics and Entrepreneurship
Industrial Management
Faculty of Social Sciences Undergraduate (Bachelor) Studies
Social Policy and Social Work
European Studies
Master Studies
European Studies and International Relations

At the University we are mindful of our surrounding environment and context, and recognize the need for innovative leadership in all areas affecting human needs, from politics to technology. It is our mission that our students will be able to become leaders in their field of interest and discover new ways and paradigms to improve their environment and society. Mother Teresa University aims to be an institution of higher learning that always seeks to adapt education to the times and context in which we live, reforming for the benefit of our current and future students and society at large.

With the aim of accomplishing our goals in the most efficient way, our University is opened for innovative ideas and cooperation opportunities with established institutions of higher education, governmental and non- governmental agencies, academics, as well as other interest groups in order to fulfill our common goals.

*Founded by the Law for the foundation of Mother Teresa University in Skopje. (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 226 dated December 25, 2015), adapted by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia on December 24, 2015.