Tirana, 18 – 20.09.2023 – Rector of “Mother Teresa” University in Skopje, Izet Zeqiri Ph.D., participated in the 7th Annual Conference of the Western Balkan within the framework of the Berlin Process in Tirana: “Partnership for Excellence – Partnership for Europe”.
Rector Zeqiri presented his presentation on the topic “Challenges of higher education, comparative analysis in the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo”.
This conference is held for the seventh time in a row within the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, while this year the Academy of Sciences of Albania holds the primacy of the organization and it gathered in Tirana, the academicians of the Western Balkan countries and the rectors within the Berlin Process.
The Conference entitled “Partnership for Excellence – Partnership for Europe” focused on three main issues:
1. Assessment of the progress of higher education, research and innovation in the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe towards integration into the scope of education, research and innovation of the European Union.
2. Creating excellence in the Balkans through collaborations in scientific research, innovation and teaching methods.
3. Developing customized mobility schemes for students, researchers and professionals, including (re-)connecting diaspora academics with their countries of origin.