Skopje, June 21, 2022 – The Rector of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, acad. Izet Zeqiri, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, lecturer Zeqirija Idrizi, Ph.D. had a working meeting with the Director of the State Education Inspectorate, Mr. Ardian Musliu today, with whom he discussed issues in work and business of the two institutions.

At the meeting, rector Zeqiri stated that MTU strictly implements the Law on Higher Education and invests in increasing the quality of teaching and achieving educational standards.

The Director of the State Education Inspectorate, Mr. Ardian Musliu, congratulated the Rector on his new duty and informed him about the activities conducted by the Inspectorate, such as overseeing the implementation of laws, regulations and general acts that regulate dormitories.

In the higher education institutions and scientific institutions, the State Education Inspectorate supervises the implementation of the laws that regulate the activity of the higher education, for the issues determined by the Law on Education Inspection.
