Skopje November 17, 2022 – Today, Mother Teresa University in Skopje organized the book launch of “In Search of the Sociological Self in the Works of Erving Goffman” by Lecturer Enver Abdullahi, Ph.D.

The book launch was on the premises of MTU on the eve of the November holidays. MTU management, lecturers, and guests from the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Culture attended the event.

The reviewers of the book “In Search of the Sociological Self in the Works of Erving Goffman”, sociologists Lecturer Sunaj Raimi, Ph.D. and Assoc. Prof. Murat Aliu, Ph.D., consider Lecturer Abdulai’s tackling of the topic a brave step.

“The book masterfully and excellently interprets the philosophy of the socio-semantic syntagma that Kivisto and Pittman named Goffman’s dramaturgy sociology”, stated reviewer Lecturer Sunaj Raimi, Ph.D.

The reviewer Assoc. Prof. Murat Aliu, Ph.D. evaluated the book as a successful attempt to present the atypical and highly imaginative and reflective research of Goffman’s thought. He added that the work offers Albanian readers a rare opportunity for social science researchers to apply Goffman’s method in their research and studies.

MTU Rector, Lecturer Izet Zeqiri, Ph.D., in his welcome speech, stated that he has known the author of the book since student and that his sociological approach to dealing with social issues has always been special and unique. He congratulated him for his brave analysis and invited the students to read the book which will enable them to see life from a different angle.

The author of the book “In Search of the Sociological Self in the Works of Erving Goffman”, Lecturer Enver Abdullahi, Ph.D., stated that he was motivated three years ago to start this book, in which he presents a description, explanation, and critical evaluation of one of the greatest American sociologists, Erving Goffman. It is the first book of its kind written in the Albanian language.

The book “In Search of the Sociological Self in the Works of Erving Goffman” by Lecturer Enver Abdullahi, Ph.D., is the fourth in a row that MTU promotes in the context of the celebration of the Albanian merry month of November.
