Skopje, October 2024 – In the premises of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, Lecturer Aurela Basha, Ph.D., from Aleksandër Xhuvani University of Elbasan, delivered a lecture on the topic “Pragmatic View of Loanwords in Political Discourse” to the academic staff and the students of the Faculty of Humanities, as well as to the students of the study programs in Psychology and Media, and Intercultural Communication.

She participated as part of the mobility staff and successfully presented the study topic “Pragmatic View of Loanwords in Political Discourse”. During her lecture, among other things, she raised several questions, such as: What is language according to Humboldt?, What are loanwords?, Functional styles of the standard language; About the purism of the Albanian language; The attitude towards foreign words, etc.

Among other things, Lecturer Aurela Basha, Ph.D., emphasized that “the responsibility for achieving the goals related to the care of the language does not belong only to the speakers, yet also to the institutions that deal with language, such as language institutions, higher education institutions, or agencies focused on mother tongue protection policies”. Towards the conclusion of the lecture, Lecturer Aurela Basha, Ph.D., elaborately answered the questions asked by the students and the academic staff.
