More professionals, graduates, master’s graduates, more genuine staff…

Dear students,

Dear colleagues,

We just ended a long, challenging and tough calendar year. Many things have happened and still continue to happen. The emergence of the global pandemic Covid-19 has left traces during this year, unfortunately through the large number of infected and numerous victims as a result of these infections. Everything changed, our way of life and functioning.

Mother Teresa University in Skopje, despite the lack of experience, managed to adapt its studies through distance platforms, marking an absolute success, and without interrupting communication with students at any time. Like the rest of the globe, we have adapted to provide online services for our students.

During this difficult period, many of our students graduated, others received their master’s degree, and our academic staff was promoted to academic degrees simultaneously.

We conclude this year with more master’s graduates and doctors of science, among our academic and administrative staff. We had moments of pride, we organized the planned scientific conferences, we signed many agreements, we shared for the second time the title Doctor Honoris Causa, for the prominent academic activist Ali Aliu.

Overall, we had a successful academic year, but a difficult calendar year. This can be considered as new experience for the future.

I wish everyone to stay healthy, to respect the protective measures to prevent Covid-19 transmission, and to be at the right level of responsibility because the vaccination has started in many countries and is expected to reach us soon.

May the New 2021 Year be safe, successful and better for all.


“Mother Teresa” University, Skopje.
