Skopje, 28 December 2020 – Today the candidate Besir Ibishi successfully defended his master thesis entitled: “Social inclusion and administration of social services: Access to social services in the public sector- the case of RNM”, at “Mother Teresa” University in Skopje, Faculty of Social Sciences. The master’s thesis committee: Prof. dr. Sunaj Raimi – the Chair of the committee; Prof. inord. dr. Daniel Pavlovski – member of the committee; and Doc. dr. Argëtim Saliu – the mentor, assessed his master thesis with a high score.
Today, a functioning public administration is a prerequisite for democratic, transparent and effective governance. As a basis of state operation, it determines the ability of the government to provide public services to citizens and to cultivate competition and development of the country.
In previous months, several public defenses of thesis were organized for the students of the first and second cycle of studies. The topic of their thesis aroused interest not only in those who have participated in their thesis defense but it also had an influence in wider public opinion.
MTU wishes Besir Ibishi a successful career ahead