Skopje, 17 December 2021 – Today at “Mother Teresa” University was held the International Workshop “Bio-food production, standards, trends and challenges” and it was organized by the Faculty of Technological Sciences.
The seminar was opened by the Rector of MTU, Lecturer Aziz Pollozhani, Ph.D., who expressed satisfaction about the fact that MTU and the Faculty of Technological Sciences, managed to organize such a workshop.
Afrim Hamidi, Ph. D., from the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, gave a presentation on “Perspectives for Bio Poultry Meat Production – opportunities and challenges” and D-r Karsten Giffey, Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health gave a presentation on “EU BIO food Safety Requirements: An Overview”.
D-r Bledar Bisha: Department of Animal Science; University of Wyoming. Larramie, USA, gave a presentation on “Food Safety Rapid Diagnostics and Typing”; and Prof. Dr. Agim Rysha from “Haxhi Zeka” University, Pejë, Kosovo, lectured on “Trends and development perspectives of MAPs (Medicinal and Aromatic Products) and Berries Sector in Kosovo”.
In this workshop participated professors of MTU from the Faculty of Technological Sciences, such as: Doc.D-r Olga Popovska, Doc. D-r Vladimir Kitanovski and the student Egzona Shaqiri from the Faculty of Technological Sciences.
Doc. Dr. Sani Demiri, the Dean of the Faculty of Technological Sciences, was the moderator of the workshop and he gave certificates to the participants