Skopje, 12-13.10.2021  At the premises of University Mother Teresa on October 12,13 (Tuesday and Wednesday) from 09-15h was organized in hybrid model (physically and online) 2-day training workshop in ‘UNITY 3D programming in creating Virtual Reality apps for Education” hold from Prof.Dr. Bekim Fetaji and Assist.Prof.Dr. Stojan Kitanov.

Within the ERASMUS + VTECH – Accelerating Western Balkans University Modernization by Incorporating Virtual Technologies” with more details at

PARTICIPANTS were students and staff members Representatives of the following institutions:

Mother Teresa University (MTU) on site Instructors and students

Online participants staff ad students from partner Universities:

University of Tartu (UT)

Lodz University of Technology (LUT)

European University or Tirana (UET)

University of Prishtina (UP)

South East European University (SEEU)

Aleksander Moisiu University (UAMD)

Polis University (U_Polis)

Epoka University (EPOKA)

University for Business and Technology (UBT)
