Gabrovo, Bulgaria, October 2021 – From 18th October until 22nd October, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Sunaj Raimi, Ph. D., participated as a visiting lecturer at the Technical University in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, and prepared a lecture for the students and professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The visiting lecturer program was part of the European Erasmus Plus Program.
During his stay in Gabrovo, the Dean Raimi had the opportunity to meet the authorities of the University in Gabrovo, such as: the Pro-rector of the University,Liljana Rusanova; the Dean and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Moreover, Sunaj Raimi, Ph. D., in a friendly conversation informed them about the work, structure and activities of the “Mother Teresa” University in Skopje.
In this academic and friendly meeting, it was discussed about the continuation of the academic staff and student mobility between these two Universities, also they agreed about mutual cooperation for the organization of scientific conferences and joint projects.
Sunaj Raimi, Ph. D., gifted his authorial book to the Pro-rector and the Dean of the University in Gabrovo, while three copies of this book were donated to the Library of this University, for the students’ needs and other readers.