Skopje, December 2021 – On the premises of Mother Teresa University was promoted the book “Kosovo and Albania in the future – farther or closer to each other” by Nexhmedin Spahiu, and in this ceremony participated Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, the President of the Republic of North Macedonia; the MTU academic staff and students.
The Rector of MTU, Lecturer Aziz Pollozhani, Ph. D., during his speech congratulated the author on the promotion of the book and expressed his gratitude towards his colleagues and the president for their participation in this ceremony. Pollozhani added that the author of the book talks about current topics relating to the Balkans, which are becoming relevant in Europe as well, also the scientific evaluation of a scientist from Mitrovica and this book will be an additional contribution towards this solution.
Lulzim Tafa, Ph. D., Chairman of Steering Council of AAB College in Prishtina, praised the work of the author as a summary of a 25-year work, and claimed that Albania and Kosovo are creating parallel identities and this process is not always coordinated.
Rizvan Sulejmani, Ph. D., moderator and book reviewer of “Kosovo and Albania in the future – farther or closer to each other” said that the author follows the historical trajectory to present findings about the Kosovo identity which appears in parallel with the Albanian national identity. Moreover, Sulejmani added that the author appreciates the importance of the Congress of the Unification of the Albanian language in 1972 in Tirana, as a cultural supremacy of Albania towards Kosovo.
Nexhmedin Spahiu, the author of the book “Kosovo and Albania in the future – farther or closer to each other”, claimed that people in the Balkans have always been discriminated, for example: Macedonia has faced many problems for 30 years regarding the name issue; the Serbian genocide in Kosovo; non-recognition of Kosovo as a state by Serbia and by some countries in Europe and in the world, even 23 years after the end of the war. The international community did not support neither Macedonia nor Kosovo about this issue.