Skopje, Feb 2, 2023 – Today, at the General Staff of the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia, a fruitful meeting was held between the Rector of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, Lecturer Izet Zeqiri, Ph.D., and the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski.

At the working meeting, Rector Zeqiri and Lieutenant General Gjurchinovksi agreed on the implementation of all technical details, with the aim of smooth implementation of the construction works on the facilities of the MTU land transformed for the needs of the Ilinden barracks, a plot of 50,000 m2 which the government gave as ownership to MTU.

Rector Zeqiri, as soon as he assumed his position last year, started working on the new MTU premises in the Ilinden barracks in Skopje, a moment all employees and students have been waiting for a long time. Currently, three outdated buildings are demolished, while a complete renovation of the three-story building of 3,000 m2 is carried out, which precedes the construction of the new campus.
