Skopje, September 30, 2024 – On this day, in the premises of Mother Teresa University in Skopje, with a modest ceremony, honorably and gratefully, three prominent professors, Lecturer Aziz Pollozhani, Ph.D., founder and first Rector of MTU; Lecturer Rizvan SuleJmani, Ph.D., Vice-Chancellor and founder of the university; and Lecturer Bedri Ademi, Ph.D., professor and contributor to the founding and development of our university, all part of the many joint successes achieved over the years, were seen off in retirement.

Rector Zeqiri, on behalf of all employees, thanked the professors for the great contribution to the Mother Teresa University in Skopje, emphasizing that their influence from the very establishment of this scientific temple in the capital of the country will never be forgotten in the history of MTU and that this journey will never come to an end, but a new chapter in their lives and our cooperation will always be present.

The General Secretary of MTU, Ms. Mukades Hajdari, thanked the honorary professors for the lovely cooperation between the academic and administrative staff, saying that the inspiration for knowledge is in the young generations who will follow their dreams and contribute to building a better world.

The professors had the opportunity to deliver a welcome speech in front of all present academicians and staff. Professors Pollozhani, Sulejmani, and Ademi were experts in their fields, serving with tireless dedication and passion for knowledge and science ever since the establishment of MTU, as they contributed to the academic development of this institution, shaping many generations of students academically.

With their retirement, they leave behind an important academic legacy and a profound impact on the lives of all those privileged to know and learn from them. Their work shall always be remembered with deep respect and gratitude by the university and beyond.

Deep gratitude to the professors for their exceptional contribution and ongoing commitment. They are and shall remain an inseparable part of the successful story of Mother Teresa University in Skopje. This is not a farewell, but a big gratitude to all done by them.
