- Project 2023-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000151355 LSSH (Let’s STOP Hate speech) The project period is 01.09.2023-31.08.2025Project partners:Association for Behavioral Sciences, Bulgaria
Kocatürk Danismanlik Özel Egitim Hizmetleri Turizm ve Proje Hizmetleri Ticaret Sanayi Limited Sirketi, Turkey
URBAN FORUM ASSOCIATION , PolandMain objectives:
1. Effective project planning, execution, and follow-up, including seamless and effective collaboration between project partners
2. Reinforcing links between policy, research, and practice by providing better evidence on youth needs and facilitating policy making
3. Promoting equality, non-discrimination, and inclusion of marginalized young people
4. Sharing, explaining, and popularizing the results of the project in the form of tangible results, conclusions, and good practices.We are going to implement the activities:
WP 1 Project Management;
WP 2 Survey of needs and development of StrategyA1 Research on the factors for the formation of hate speech based on nationality and religion;
A2 Strategy for limiting hate speech.
WP 3 Capacity building of youth and youth workers:
A1 Youth worker’s Guide;
A2 International training for youth workers;
A3 National trainings for youth.
WP 4 Publicity:
A1 Multiplier events;
A2 Publicity in the virtual space.The expected main project results and outcomes are the following:
– Provided support for overcoming and limiting hate speech among young people;
– Increased work capacity, competencies, knowledge, and skills of youth workers;
– An improved practical toolkit for working with youth (innovative methods, practices, instruments, tools, etc.);
– Promoted values such as equality, non-discrimination, and inclusion of marginalized young people;
– An improved link between research, policy, and practice.*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Learn more at:-
The LSSH project page: https://absbg.eu/en/home/
The project profile on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LetStopHateSpeech
- Prevention of Youth Risky Viral Trends
Start Date: 01.11.2022 – End Date: 31.10.2025
This project is carried out by a consortium which “Mother Teresa University” in Skopje is a part of. The consortium consists the following organizations:
· Association “Follow me” – Bulgaria
· Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen – Austria
· Urban forum association – Poland
The aims this project needs to address during its implementation are:
· The need to improve the risk prevention skills of youth workers and support people on the use of social networks and questions on topics such as: cyberbullying, following dangerous trends in social media, fake news, social isolation, dangerous encounters with strangers, etc.
· Learn and apply innovative digital security methodologies, tools and practices.
· The need to develop quality youth worker skills to promote media literacy, social inclusion, democrac6, active citizenship and non-violent communication
· Raising awareness of the risks of social networks and improve prevention of dangerous online encounters
· Improving the quality and image of youth work.
Start Date: 15.11.2019 – End Date: 15.05.2022
VTECH is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. The consortium has 11 partners out of which 6 are HEIs form Albania and Kosovo, and 5 partners HEIs from Program countries namely Estonia, Poland, Slovenia and the Republic of North Macedonia. The project is envisaged to last for 3 years.
VTECH project’s general aim is to introduce for the first time at Western Balkan universities the concept of Virtual Technologies as a tool for accelerating university modernization, while contributing on developing knowledge-driven society.
By incorporating Virtual Technology in the academic culture of universities, this project aims at increasing the quality and level of efficiency in teaching and knowledge retention through interactive learning methods, thus contributing on skills enhancement and further building of digital society at Western Balkan countries.
Start Date: 15.11.2019 – End Date: 15.11.2022
VTECH is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. The consortium has 11 partners out of which 6 are HEIs form Albania and Kosovo, and 5 partners HEIs from Program countries namely Estonia, Poland, Slovenia and the Republic of North Macedonia. The project is envisaged to last for 3 years.
VTECH project’s general aim is to introduce for the first time at Western Balkan universities the concept of Virtual Technologies as a tool for accelerating university modernization, while contributing on developing knowledge-driven society.
By incorporating Virtual Technology in the academic culture of universities, this project aims at increasing the quality and level of efficiency in teaching and knowledge retention through interactive learning methods, thus contributing on skills enhancement and further building of digital society at Western Balkan countries.
Start Date: 25.09.2019 – End Date: 24.09.2022
“ANTI-DRONES – Innovative Concept to Detect, Recognize and Track “Killer-Drones”, from the NATO SPS no. G5633 signed between CNIT – Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory (CNIT-RASS), Italy, Pisa – project leader, and project partners North Kazakhstan State University, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan and Mother Teresa University (MTU), Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.
The project is focalized on the development of a new concept of an anti-drone system able to detect, recognize and track the killer-drones – mini/micro UAVs – in order to facilitate the neutralization of them minimizing the risk for people and assets.
The final scope of the project is to progress the state of the art of the anti-drone systems through the use of mini-radar technology and signal processing, improving the performance of the system and eliminate completely the environmental impact (e.g. ECM pollution) in an urban environment.
Start Date: 01.05.2021 – End Date: 03.04.20223
While our world is suffering from Covid 19 pandemic and education is mostly limited with distance and digital learning, the main objective of PASSIFRS is to build digital education readiness for IFRS education in HEIs by taking into account the unique characteristics of Generation Z students.
PASSIFRS is built on three important pillars: Contributing to the IFRS education of GenZ business students is the priority of PASSIFRS. PASSIFRS will construct a flexible but constructing structured digital learning platform. This
kind of digital training will be attractive for GenZ students. PASSIFRS includes several IOs that are especially designed for contributing digital readiness of HEIs in IFRS education.
PASSIFRS offers adopting a principle-based approach in IFRS education.. Adopting a principles-based model of IFRS education is not simply limited to teaching the IFRS, but also includes how to apply it with real world problems. The principle-based approach emphasizes best practices with prescribed procedures, provides flexible learning and also perfectly matches with the characteristics, perspectives, and styles of GenZ students.
designed to meet two important distinctive characteristics of GenZ students: Multicultural and socially progressive. After receiving tutorials from the PASSIFRS Digital Platform, Gen Z students of PASSIFRS HEIs will benefit from the Erasmus+ multicultural perspective and learn IFRS with their peers and enjoy the ability to get different perspectives
Start Date: 01.11.2021 – End Date: 01.11.2024
By implementing the project, we wish to achieve the following project objectives: making STEM higher education more supportive, diverse and socially inclusive for women in order promote and support their active participation in such fields;to improve their future career prospects, professional and personal development and opportunities on the modern labormarket; to increase the motivation of women to pursue and participate in education and career in STEM; to increase theirself-confidence in their abilities, skills and performance in these areas; to improve the knowledge and skills of experts(psychologists, trainers, youth workers, career counselors and advisers and other experts working directly with women)on how to eliminate gender-based stereotypes, bias and prejudices towards women in STEM; to create products that willaid the inclusion of women in STEM and to create a friendly learning environment in STEM higher education; to enhance the competencies of experts on how to develop and implement innovative STEM gender-sensitive educational programs and training acknowledging women’s specific challenges and enhance their inclusion; improved career guidance for women; to promote gender equality and equity in STEM fields.
Start Date: 01.12.2021 – End Date: 31.07.2023
The aim of the project is to increase the human capacity in high schools that will work on the digitalization but also in integration of ICT in teaching through the application of technologies for e-learning and through creation of digital content for education in the form of online OERs.
This project will be carried out by 10 partner organizations of which 5 are universities that possess substantial expertise in the fields of ICT and E-Learning utilization it the educational process. The other 5 partners are Highs Schools in 3 different countries and have some experiences in e-learning but lack the resources and the knowledge to advance to higher levels and cope with the fast change. The project will provide training for the creation of digital content and the integration of ICT in teaching that is designed for a critical number of teachers from each partner organization. Creation of a critical number of digital content (OER) for teaching that will be used by all partner organizations and the wider community of teachers is also foreseen with the project.
The expected main outcomes of this project refer to the increase of digitalization process and development of the digital skills and competences of the teaching staff to design and manage with OER. We also expect increasing and expanding of the cooperation with the schools in the region and Europe through creation of an OER exchange net. We expect at least 30 teachers to undergo the training and to develop OERs to deliver at least three common subjects. Besides teachers, students who will use these OERs will benefit from the project. Having in mind the accumulated experience and expertise in the participating partners, their previous collaboration, the systematic approach and the vigorous project methodology we believe that the successful implementation of this project will have adequate and long term impact: teachers will receive increased competencies and skills through training; schools will receive advanced teaching methodology and students will be able to use directly lessons that will be more contemporary and easier to use. And yet this project would just be a solid base for further growth of the interactive, modern and transnational knowledge base in form of OERs available worldwide